Free domestic shipping on orders $60 or more
- We work with a variety of shipping carriers to offer the best shipping rates available in the industry, with the fastest delivery.
- We currently ship to the United States and Canada.
- Orders ship within 1-3 days of order placement using your chosen carrier/shipping method. We'll send you an email with a tracking number when it ships.
- Delivery dates provided are estimated by shipping carriers. They do a good job, but if you have any issues or delays you should contact your chosen carrier with your tracking number. Most orders are delivered within 3-5 days no matter the shipping method, but please follow up with your shipping carrier's tracking number for any weather delays, Holiday delays, etc.
- If your package is missing or you suspect your package has been stolen, please contact your shipping carrier with your tracking number first. Usually these are minor mix-ups by your friendly delivery person, but it's important that you provide a safe location for your package. For more info regarding lost, stolen, damaged, and returned packages due to customer abandonment; please see our Refunds & Returns page.
- Be sure to double check your delivery address, especially when using an automatic payment method. We do not offer refunds for orders shipped to the wrong or incomplete address. Packages returned for insufficient address may be resent with the purchase of new shipping, or cancelled/refunded for the price of the puzzles, not including the original cost of shipping. Shipping is a non-refundable charge.
Free domestic shipping on orders $60 or more